Saturday, March 24, 2012

Gender or Agenda?

It has become very popular to use the label 'gender' instead of  'sex'.  Not only is this incorrect but I find it an affront to my intelligence. When I was learning French and Latin at school, it was amusing to learn that the pen of my aunt was also feminine.  Later I discovered that while the sun was masculine in French, the mere moon was feminine...the Sun outshining the dull moon! German the sun was feminine and the mere moon was masculine.  While I was learning these peculiarities of foreign grammar, the feminist movement was busy changing the label 'sex' into 'gender'. Was this to serve their own perfidious agenda?

Gender refers to language and in most languages there are three - masculine, feminine and neuter. Sex, on the other hand, refers to male and female. There is no other, not according to Genesis that is.  Another 'agenda' word is anti-Semitism.   This word again applies to language, not people.  To be anti-Semitic is to hate Arabic and/or Hebrew and perhaps Aramaic, the language of the Lord Jesus Christ.

May be it's old age, but I am tired of this misuse of language to support politico-social agendas. I was brought up to call a spade a spade, however not to label people with offensive titles.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, origin of word "sex" is from Latin sexus, perhaps akin to secāre - to divide. In Russian sex is пол, which means half
