Tuesday, December 1, 2009

In His image

What kind of image do we have of God? For Philip Pullman, the atheist author of the Golden Compass trilogy, God is an old man who eventually gets killed and according to the author, deservedly so. For Pullman, God is a Big Daddy with a stick who metes out punishment to sinners in the flames of Hell.

Hell is one place you don’t want to end up in. This view of Hell as a place of punishment, is an objective and external view – a place imposed on the sinner by God. However there is another view, namely that of the early Christians who saw Hell (or Hades as they called it) as something internal or subjective, that is a condition rather than a place imposed on the sinner by his or her own moral shortcomings. They saw man as the image of God and yet a distorted image through the sickness of sin. God did not take His grace away from Adam but rather Adam lost it through his disobedience. For the early church, and for Eastern Christians today, Hell is an existential experience. It is the inability of a person to respond to his own potential Divinity– created in His image and likeness –an inability to respond to God’s love. It is not simply our moral shortcomings that deprive us of Heaven but the failure to realize our potential and thereby to alienate ourselves from His presence. Sin is a spiritual illness, which transforms the presence of Heaven into Hell.

In today's world there is much mental illness. I believe that much of this is the burden of sin, of being unable to be Christ like. Prozac is not a substitute for prayer.

When we die, we will all stand before the presence of God. For those who have the love of Christ it will be Heaven, but for those who hate the light and are unable to love, it will be Hell, a place where sinners will be scourged by the whip of God’s love.


  1. Correct me if I am wrong but I am of the belief that heaven and hell are the same place. But if one does not love the presence of Christ it is hell. I learned this at the monastery.(I might be mistaken)

  2. Father, thank you for this blog. Odd how the truth makes complete my sense experience, my own and those I know.

    The condition compared to location also demonstrates how a person in their Hell/Hades can quickly be transfered into the Kingdom of Light by the reception of the love of the Holy Trinity through Christ. Their condition changes with their reception/engagement/acceptance of the love, grace and mercy of God. The photo is a great visual image of this reality, nice choice.
