Pokrov Press in Moscow has recently released a book by the renowned Russian theologian Alexei Osipov in English. “The Search for Truth on the Path of Reason” is a spiritual treasure, written in a clear and concise style that speaks to us today. It is a modern classic of Christian apologetics, its main theme being “knowledge of God” and I strongly recommend it.
Osipov points out that “knowledge of God” is not an intellectual exercise but is on the contrary, a gift from God. However much we stretch our minds through scholarly study, inevitably it is God, Who opens our minds and hearts to Divine knowledge. Our knowledge of God depends on our relationship with Him, which is founded in love and humility.
The problem even with our Christian thinking is that we have been influenced by secular philosophy. We may not have read Spinoza, Kant or Hegel, but nevertheless these thinkers have affected our religious views. Osipov explains how these philosophers have turned religion into a moral belief system that has greatly influenced Christianity. He shows how religion has become an ethical philosophy –a do good religion more concerned with social justice rather than communion with God. As an antidote to moralistic religious thinking he quotes from St Isaac the Syrian: “It is not good deeds that purify man’s heart, but rather the war with the passions and the humility that comes out of it.” And again:” The recompense is not given for labor but for humility.”
Osipov also addresses the supposed conflict between science and religion. He explains the origin of pagan beliefs and how they still affect society today. He emphasizes the difference between Old Testament Religion and Judaism, which can never be compatible with true Christianity.
The more I read in the pages of Osipov, the more I find. If you consider yourself a serious seeker, this book should be a part of your spiritual library.
“The Search for Truth on the Path of Reason” is available from Pokrovpress.com